
Erfreuliche Presse im „Der Zimmermann“

Pleasant press in “Der Zimmermann”

Read the “Der Zimmermann” article by Heide Haruyo Merkel here…

Pleasant press in “Der Zimmermann”

Read the “Der Zimmermann” article by Heide Haruyo Merkel here…

SEMA Holzbau Software integriert alle X-fix Modelle

SEMA timber construction software integrates al...

In this video you can see how easily you can incorporate X-fix into your projects using the SEMA timber construction software.

SEMA timber construction software integrates al...

In this video you can see how easily you can incorporate X-fix into your projects using the SEMA timber construction software.

KVD Houtbouw /BE setzt für alle CLT Projekte X-fix ein

KVD Houtbouw /BE uses X-fix for all CLT projects

Wall and ceiling elements with almost no waste made from 1.2 m standard panels and X-Fix

KVD Houtbouw /BE uses X-fix for all CLT projects

Wall and ceiling elements with almost no waste made from 1.2 m standard panels and X-Fix

Ohne Schrauben – eine neue Ära im Holzbau

Without screws – a new era in timber construction

Züblin Timber is building Collegium Academicum Heidelberg without screws but with X-fix – a new era in timber construction

Without screws – a new era in timber construction

Züblin Timber is building Collegium Academicum Heidelberg without screws but with X-fix – a new era in timber construction